The Perfect All Natural Appetizer
- Summer Sanders
- Jan 27 2014
Most of us know that cutting down on sugar, especially the processed kind, is beneficial for our health. And wIth Superbowl and award show parties galore this time of year, plates of cookies and brownies can make it hard to stick to your healthy living resolutions. But I found a solution in an unlikely food…dates!
I made these simple and very delicious date treats for a recent birthday that I catered. They were a hit! The recipe is very easy to make and a good alternative when it comes to sweets. Dates are high in fiber, easy to digest, anti inflammatory due to their high tannin content, and contain a good amount of iron (hard to find in plant food!).
They are however, on the sweeter side and very rich so I choose to use them for desserts and in moderation. The pistachio butter in this recipe is fabulous, but you can use almond butter or any other favorite nut butter.
This is a great treat for children and adults alike, fun for potlucks, or just to have around the house for an occasional sweet treat.
Pistachio and Coconut Manna Stuffed Dates
- 20 to 20 dates, pitted
- 1 1/2 cup pistachios, raw
- 3/4 cup coconut butter or coconut manna
- 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan crystal salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon maca (optional if making for children)
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- Pit your dates and slice open with a pairing knife, set aside in the refrigerator while preparing filling.
- In a food processor, combine pistachios, coconut butter, salt, vanilla, maca and cinnamon until a chunky cookie dough texture forms.
- Remove the dates from the refrigerator and stuff each with a spoonful of pistachio cream.
You can also make these without the pistachio for a really creamy version.

Summer Sanders
Summer Sanders has long had a passion for holistic health and fitness. Growing up in Sedona, Arizona, her love of fresh foods, natural healing and fitness was nurtured by this forward thinking community. She trained at the Matthew Kenney Academy and eventually took a job as the head instructor of the online raw food educational program.
Summer now runs a whole food cleansing and health consulting company called Radiantly Raw Lifestyles. She is a certified personal trainer, weight management coach, prenatal exercise coach, and fitness nutrition specialist with National Academy of Sports Medicine. Summer splits her time between San Diego, CA and Sedona, AZ with her husband Mike. She's expecting her first child in October!