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Weekend Reading: Links We Like

The Little Things

Think you’re going to miss a thing about being pregnant? This piece bets you will. (That glow.) (Romper)


Recent findings have shown that chocolate could have super-positive effects on fetal growth. Bring. It. On. (Daily Mail)

Survival of the Fittest

A super-fit mom-to-be—who happens to be a three-time World Miss Fitness America Pro—is standing her ground against Internet haters who can't understand how a pregnant woman could be in such kick-ass shape. (People)

All in the Genes

Fertility researchers were just given the go-ahead to edit the genetic makeup of human embryos, which is big news to say the least. (Fortune)

Dad on Duty

This new father got creative with the notes his wife left him for his first go alone with their new baby. If his parenting is as on point as his editing, he’s going to be just fine. (Fit Pregnancy)

Buzz Kill

Not sure how we would react to being denied a cup of coffee by an overly well-meaning barista, but this mom-to-be got to experience it first hand. (The Stir)


New research has shown that swabbing a newborn with his or her mother’s microbes might be just the thing that a C-section baby needs to get the same benefits that their vaginally birthed peers get. (The Cut)


There are actual legitimate reasons behind how some women can be pregnant for months and not know it. (Bustle)

Catch 22

The Zika virus is causing quite a stir throughout the world. But, as this story points out, the reaction—particularly in Latin America—is putting women in a difficult position. (Vox)

Listen to Yourself

This woman’s story of trusting her intuition during her pregnancy is a little harrowing, but ultimately an interesting look at how trusting your gut is rarely a bad idea. (Quartz)

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