Weekend Reading: Links We Like

Dad Time (Off)

Think paternity leave isn’t necessary? Turns out it can help solidify a marriage. (That whole division-of-labor thing.) (Science of Us)

A Helping Hand

The United Nations Population Fund is supporting pregnant women and new mothers in the wake of the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal. (Huffington Post)

No Sweat

A new study reveals that you’ll forget the pain of a marathon similarly to how you’ll forget the pain of birth. (Science of Us)

Close Encounter

This touching account of a new mother with cancer and a mastectomy breastfeeding her baby for the first time packs an emotional wallop. (Time)

Body Believers

A new viral movement aims to take the stigma out of stretch marks. (New York Times)

Fertility Fallout

When a relationship dissolves and there are pre-embryos (un-implanted embryos) involved, things can get very tricky. The New Yorker investigates.

The Royal Watch

The Brits (and, let’s face it, the rest of world) are on high alert as Kate Middleton sails past her due date. (ET)

On Point

A photographer documents how professional ballet dancers juggle motherhood and life on the stage. (Read our interview with a dancer-mom here.) (Huffington Post)

Breathe Easy

A new study looks at how China’s air pollution effects infant birth weight. (CNN)

What’s On?

For your viewing pleasure, ten TV shows and movies about babies and pregnancy that are available on Netflix. (Rosemary’s Baby…) (Crushable)


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