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Weekend Reading: Links We Like

A Mom’s Mea Culpa

A female executive admits to unfairly judging the mothers she worked with—and not realizing how bad it was till she had her own kid. (Fortune)

Viral Video

Parody time: Laughing Moms does a send-up of Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk,” with a bathtime twist.

Forget Selfies…

Brelfies (breastfeeding selfies) took over social media last week when a journalist accused women that take them of “flaunting” their bodies, their nursing abilities and their kids. (Huffington Post)

A Weighty Issue

A disturbing look at how seriously underweight pregnant women in India are struggling to have healthy infants. (The New York Times)

From the Bottom of the Sea

The debate swirling around eating fish during pregnancy rages on. Tuna, anyone? (Well Blog)

Boudoir, Baby

Is feeling sexy when your pregnant possible? A Seattle-based photographer certainly thinks so. (Baby Center)


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