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Weekend Reading: Links We Like

Two Years, Too Long?

This self-described “Boob Geek” is pretty happy with the recent Lansinoh Global Breastfeeding Survey, but one stat leaves her cold. (Huffington Post)

Hands-Free Feeding

Remember MIT’s Make the Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon last month? This is what the minds behind it came up with. (PSFK)

Picture Perfect

These 11 photos of nursing moms are a delight. (The Stir)

A Non to Nursing

French women aren’t really that into breastfeeding. (The Local)

Grain Guard

A new study shows that even early gluten exposure via breast milk won’t help to prevent celiac disease. (CBS Boston)

On the Road

Virginia takes a pro-breastfeeding license plate for a spin. (Baby Center)

Oh, Canada

A group of Canadian women rally for a breastfeeding challenge in Ottawa. (Ottawa Citizen)

A Medical Marvel

The story of the first uterine transplant—and the baby that came out of it—is really amazing. (NPR)

A Coughing Fit

Eula Biss, the author of the interesting new book, On Immunity (Graywolf Press), writes about going down the infectious-disease rabbit hole. (New York Times)

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