Weekend Reading: Links We Like
- Editors of FitBump
- Sep 26 2014

Breastfeeding Goes Behind the Curtain
A public bus in the Zhejiang province of China set aside a seat for nursing mothers so they feel more comfortable—but some think the gesture is pushing breastfeeding even further into the shadows.
Birth Right?This woman on Mind Body Green shares ten things she wishes all women knew about childbirth.
Memories...The Science of Us looks into how mothers actually remember the birth experience.
The Baby Name GameOr, how “Asher” and “Amelia” are about to have a real moment.
You Wear It WellIf this month’s New York Fashion Week was any indication, a baby bump just might be the hottest new accessory..
Body PoliticsThis new mom takes to the Huffington Post to challenge the notion of “losing” your body during pregnancy.
First-Person AccountOver at The Cut, Meaghan O'Connell gives a pretty harrowing account of getting an epidural.
A Room of Their OwnOne study shows how a better, more private NICU does a baby good.