5 Ways to Find Yourself In the Midst of Mom
- Randi Zinn
- May 07 2014
As a Mom, it’s default to put your children first. It’s so easy to abandon your own agenda if anyone should need you or anything seemingly important needs to get done. While our children should be first, we must also cultivate weekly time to care for our own body and soul.
It’s only when we put ourselves up there on the list of priority that we are able to be productive, loving, happy human beings…and thus, a better Mama in the end. Here are five of my favorite tips that help me get by.

1. When I move, I am well. This sounds so simple, and in many ways it is. When my blood flows, I literally feel my mood elevate and my perspective change. The worst thing for a Mom is to feel lazy and weak. When I feel strong and energized I can keep up with my toddler and I feel a sense of general well-being- which floods into my view of all things (my work, my relationship with my husband, and friends, etc). It can be difficult to make the time, but for the love of all things, calendar in several times a week when moving your body is a priority! Your entire life will improve, I promise.
2. Visit with Your Girlfriends (without the kids!) When I leave the house on a Saturday night and sit down with a best friend and a glass of wine, I’m reminded of who I AM. I’m not exaggerating. You must get dressed up, go to a fun spot, and be a woman out on the town once and while. You must giggle and be silly and reminisce with your friends and remember the person inside of you pre-baby. That person is alive and well. You simply need to keep her active, and your girlfriends are the best way to do that.

3. Pamper Yourself- You are a precious individual, but it can be hard to remember that. Somehow when I soak in a bubble bath or get a pedicure or (even better) get a massage- I feel like a person worthy of this care. And you ARE worthy of this self-love. It can just be difficult to remember if it’s been so long since you’ve DONE it. Make time, even once in a while, to be good to yourself. Surprisingly, the effects can last a while.
4. Pursue Something that is Unrelated to Your Family- Building my business and brand since my son was born has been an amazing experience and frankly, has saved my sanity. There is nothing wrong with staying at home with your child 24/7, but I’m an advocate of keeping something special that’s all yours and keeps your brain active. It can be a hobby (painting, writing, cooking dinner parties) or it can be visioning your next professional move. The main point is remembering that you are “Beyond Mom”- you are a creator, a thinker, and a do-er in your OWN life.
5. Take a Trip-This was a tough one for me. I recently took my first trip away from my son: flying to California with a girlfriend for 5 days. I was so nervous to leave him (even though he was safe and sound with his Dad and his babysitter). But I ended up having the best time and so enjoyed the rejuvenating days away. I realized that the trip away encapsulated the above four points- I moved my body a lot (with nice weather walks on the beach), I had great times with my girlfriends, I pampered myself with delicious food and a hair blow out “just because,” and met fantastic people having nothing to do with being a Mom! Mission accomplished!
There is no greater honor in this world than being a Mother. But in order to do it well, we must make sure we are whole. I hope these little tips help make your experience more manageable and incredibly rewarding!

Randi Zinn
Randi Zinn is the founder of Beyond Mom and randizinn.com. Born from her own experience of motherhood, and the desire for a more connected community, Beyond Mom offers mixers, events and retreats for forward-thinking New York moms. She encourages moms to cultivate a life “Beyond Mom”—one that embraces the gifts of motherhood but expresses all that they are as individuals: creators, businesswomen, thinkers, friends and so much more. Randi has partnered with Comptoir Des Cottoniers, SoulCycle, Mio Skincare, TOWN Real Estate, The Mother Company, Body Conceptions and IntenSati. Her writing has appeared in FitBump, Epoch Times and Well Rounded NY. She is a certified yoga instructor through Laughing Lotus NY and has taught since 2008.