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Top 5 Prenatal Foam Rolling Do's

Relaxin production, round ligament pain, a tight lower back and so much more! With the seemingly endless physical changes of pregnancy, is there relief to be found in foam rolling? If you already incorporate foam rolling into your fitness routine, keep doing it! (If you’re a newbie, talk to your doctor first.) Here are five key Do’s from TriggerPoint to keep you feeling top of your game throughout each trimester.

  1. Calves with the Core Roller: Begin by sitting on a flat surface with both legs on the Core Roller. The roller should be just above the ankles. For more pressure cross one leg over the other. Raise hips and slowly (about an inch per second) roll down so that the roller comes towards the knee. Stop on any tender spots and hold for at least 30 seconds. Then, perform two internal and external rotations of the leg. Repeat on other leg.

  2. Hamstrings with Core Roller: Begin by sitting on a flat surface with one leg on the Core Roller. For more pressure, the leg not being rolled can be placed back into a modified hurdlers stretch position. Use foot and hands as necessary to slowly roll up or down the roll. Stop on any tender spots and hold for at least 30 seconds. Then, perform two internal and external rotations of the leg Repeat on other leg.

  3. Upper back with MB5: Position the MB5 on the upper back, near the top of the shoulder blades and a couple of inches away from the spine. Then lean back, into the wall. If more pressure is desired move the feet away from the wall. Slowly move the body up and down by performing a small squat. If a tender spot is felt hold for at least 30 seconds. Then, raise the arm all the way up and back down four times. Repeat on the other side.

  4. Quads with STK: Begin by sitting in a chair or bench. Extend the knee on the leg to be rolled. Place the STK on the quadriceps and apply pressure. Then slowly begin to roll (about an inch per second) by pulling the STK towards the hip then pushing away. If a tender spot is found hold pressure for at least 30 seconds. Next, perform two circular motions with the STK in each direction. Repeat on the other side.

  5. Holding pressure VS. Kneading: If a tender spot is found during rolling make sure to hold pressure on it for at least 30 seconds or until the tenderness begins to reduce. While it may feel great to perform kneading motions back and forth or side to side, holding pressure and breathing will give the body an opportunity to relax the muscle.

Want to foam roll? TriggerPoint is offering 20% off all products to FitBump readers May 11 (#FoamRollingDay!) through mid-June. Use code FitBump20.

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